Chalks and Chuckles
Chalks and Chuckles | Shape Your Story
Chalks and Chuckles | Shape Your Story
Publisher: Chalks and Chuckles
Ages: 5+
No.of players: 1 - 8
From the towering skyscrapers to the bicycle on the road to the hangers in your closet. Wherever you are – inside or outside – there are shapes to discover that tell a story. The circle, square & triangle in 36 cards lend themselves to thousands of drawn objects and millions of stories in an exciting drawing and story-telling game to play with friends, family, or by yourself.
No reading required, only imagination. Have fun even if you’re not an artist! Promotes creative thinking, doodling, self-expression, confidence, language and social skills.
Create new stories every time you play & capture your drawn stories for everlasting memories! Great boredom buster. Also suitable for preschoolers who like to draw and express themselves.